Ocean Stewardship Awards are one of the ways that we recognize educators and schools who work to promote an ethic of ocean conservation and who are taking concrete steps to help protect our blue planet. This year, we received a record number of nominations and we were thrilled to hear about all the amazing work being done by both educators and schools in the New England area. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete a nomination. Congratulations to all of our winners!
Winners—Educator Category
Judith Luber-Narod
Abby Kelley Foster Charter Public School
Worcester, Mass.
Judith Luber-Narod, Ocean Stewardship Award educator of the year |
Judith first became inspired about our ocean by her high school marine biology teacher. From there, she studied marine biology as an undergraduate, and took marine biology courses in graduate school. She now brings her knowledge and enthusiasm on the subject to her students. Since many of them have never visited the ocean, she finds it particularly important to highlight the interconnectedness of humans and the ocean.
Judith teaches environmental science at several levels and provides her students with engaging learning experiences. In class, she leads her students through several water-related labs. She also coordinates field trips to various locations, including local lakes for water experiments, Woods Hole for an ocean lab experience and the New England Aquarium. In addition to her classroom work, Judith serves as the school’s Environmental Action Club faculty advisor which has done all types of projects to decrease global warming, including starting a recycling program, growing an indoor garden, holding a concert to educate the student population using bicycle powered instruments, and many other smaller projects.
Haven Daniels
Perkins Elementary School
South Boston, Mass.
Through Haven’s dedication to her students and ocean stewardship, she creates opportunities for her students to learn about our ocean. Haven has worked with the district’s science department to pilot a new curriculum based on ocean science. To supplement the classroom lessons on topics such as food webs, ocean pollutants and fishing regulations, Haven makes sure that her students connect to the physical marine environment. She takes her students on field trips to the harbor, writes grants to get her students to the harbor islands for tidepooling and actively collaborates with other teachers to provide enriching experiences. She organizes parent and community events where her students share their experiences, thereby making others more aware of ocean stewardship as well.
In addition to her work with students, Haven is a model educator who shares her expertise with others. Beyond using the harbor as a foundation for teaching complex science topics and environmental stewardship, Haven continually reflects on this practice with her colleagues involving herself in teacher research projects and multi-school field experiences. In collaboration with other teachers, Haven has presented this work at national conferences such as the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the National Research in Science Teaching (NARST).
Honorable Mentions—Educator Category
Alicia Carey
Oliver H. Perry K-8 School
South Boston, Mass.
Alicia creates an amazing ethic of care and respect overall in her classroom, and works with her students to extend that ethic of care to the natural world. Since their school is across the street from the beach, that ethic extends easily to the ocean. She is not the students' science teacher, but she wants her students to have an appreciation for their coastal environment and their place in it. For the past three years, a required narrative project has focused on coastal organisms, tied to a field experience across the street to 'their' beach. The students have also traveled to the Aquarium, where their work has focused on local coastal organisms.
Robert Coughlin
Brockton High School
Brockton, Mass.
Robert Coughlin, Ocean Stewardship Award educator of the year |
Robert Coughlin’s classroom is full of life from across the trophic levels which is just one of the reasons that make his oceanography course so popular among students at Brockton High School. During class, he leads students through many group projects in which they collect organisms, make observations and collect data. In addition, he organizes a deep-sea fishing trip to Stellwagen Bank every spring. This is an extraordinary experience as many of his students have never been on a boat and some have never been to the ocean. On this trip, students discover an entirely new ecosystem and it is that firsthand experience that gives them reason to care about and become passionate about the environment. Mr. Coughlin’s passion, exuberance, charisma and mastery of the subject matter are truly inspirational to his students and colleagues.
Rachel Cuddeback
Pollard Middle School
Needham, Mass.
Rachel has a contagious excitement about teaching and she works persistently to build out a dynamic, student driven, inquiry-based, ocean focused curriculum. She is an active educator who consistently seeks to further her own education of science and technology concepts and readily applies them to her instruction. On a limited budget, she manages to excite and inspire her students to become ocean experts and stewards. Rachel has created an ocean-focused theme that spans multiple units and largely directed by student-generated questions. She utilizes a local pond to teach water quality and large-scale maps to outline watersheds. In addition, she brings in guest speakers from the local wastewater treatment plant into her classroom. Ocean literacy permeates the bulk of Rachel’s science curriculum. She is a genuine educator who strives to improve her practice for the benefit of her whole community.
Look back at previous educator winners here!
Winners—School Category
Adams School Calvineers
Castine, Maine
(Faculty Advisor – Bill McWeeny)
Front row (L/R): Liam Griffith, Grant Forbes, Drake Janes, Tyler McKenney, Sam Ravell, India Janes, and Savanna Colson. Back row (L/R): Bill McWeeny, John Hassett, Yvonne Rogers, Ben Burton, Hannah Flood
The Adams School Calvineers are a group of 7th and 8th graders who work tirelessly to raise awareness about the plight of the North American right whales. The group is led by Bill McWeeny, an educator whose love for the ocean is only surpassed by his love for teaching. The Calvineers work hard both in class and after school to learn about these endangered animals. As a group, they act as scientists to gather information, collaborate and communicate with others. The Calvineers also take action to protect right whales by speaking with shipping companies and coordinating other projects.
But their work does not stop there – they take their passion for this important issue and work hard to spread the word! From presenting at schools and conferences to updating regular Tumblr (include hyperlink - ) and YouTube (include hyperlink - ) accounts. This fall, two students will even present their original work at the Right Whale Consortium (include hyperlink - ). The Calvineers, without a doubt, are true ocean stewards who are dedicated to taking steps to protect our ocean and its inhabitants and to promoting an ethic of ocean conservation in their community.
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Marine Conservation Club
Cambridge, Mass.
(Faculty Advisor – Paul McGuiness)
The Cambridge Rindge and Latin School Marine Conservation Club is a group of 20 students who are dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges impacting right whales. Driven for by their love for the ocean and its inhabitants, the club works hard to incorporate an ethic of conservation into their school and community. This year, they organized an amazing week of events for a ‘Whale Week’ at their school – including school wide activities such as games and presentations. They also held bake and snack sales to raise money for the Right Whale Research Team. They are currently collaborating with middle and after school teachers to run a two-day session in classrooms. Through action and education, the CRLS Marine Conservation have proven to be ocean stewards, collaborating with both school and community to promote and protect our ocean.
Look back at previous award winning schools here!