There are three ways you can win tickets to see Tron: Legacy 3D at the Simons IMAX Theatre. Try all three!

Be sure to "like" the Aquarium. Then comment on our facebook page and tell us why you want to see Tron: Legacy on the largest screen in New England. We’ll direct message the lucky winners.

Start following the Aquarium on twitter. Then post with hashtag #NEAQTron and tell us why you want to see this movie on Boston's largest screen. We’ll contact the winners via DM.

Sign up to follow our tumblr page and reblog this Tron: Legacy 3D movie poster. Make sure your Ask feature is turned on so we can let you know that you’ve won!
The contest begins on Thursday, March 3, and runs until noon on Friday, March 4.
Let this long-awaited sequel wash over you, with all its 3D glory and 12,000 watts of digital sound blasting Daft Punk’s original soundtrack. Fans of the classic film will be blown away by the updated computer graphics and evolving story line. Those new to the plot will be riveted by the good-versus-evil struggles from another dimension. We'll see you on the social networks! In the meantime, here are even more reasons to check out Tron: Legacy 3D.
"The only way to see "Tron: Legacy" is in IMAX 3-D…"
– New York Daily News
"…This can be a fun movie, particularly for those willing to sit back and let it wash over them."
"Both [Tron] films, made so many years apart, can fairly lay claim to being state of the art."
– Chicago Sun-Times
This film is rated PG. Use your college ID for special discounts! Member passes cannot be accepted for this special presentation. Don't miss the show times and a preview.
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