Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Penguins Have Returned and Are Settling In

The familiar honks and brays of the penguins are echoing through the Aquarium once again! After their seamless return to Central Wharf, the birds are all settling into the routines of mealtime and exhibit cleaning. Some of the birds even hopped right back to favorite spots!

African penguins usually hang out in a favorite spot in the exhibit.

Because we can't get enough of the penguins after their months-long vacation, here's a peek at life in the African and rockhopper penguin colonies.

The little blue penguins are still in their temporary exhibit visible near the marine mammal center. Actually, some of the little blues are behind the scenes taking care of chicks! Learn more about breeding season.

Little blue penguin chick!

It's been a while, maybe you need a refresher on some of the happenings in the penguin exhibit!

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