Friday, January 29, 2016

Volunteer of the Month: January

Every month our Volunteer Office sorts through piles of nominations from supervisors and honors one of our volunteers for their truly stupendous efforts. Meet our latest Volunteer of the Month.

For the month of January we are pleased to award Lisa Martinek with the recognition of Volunteer of the Month! Lisa is a Yawkey Coral Reef Center volunteer, one of the smallest and most unique galleries we have. On Saturdays you can find her taking great care of our garden eels, dwarf sea horses, live coral tank, and more!

The dwarf seahorses are just one of the exhibits in the
Yawkey Coral Reef Center.
Here is what her Yawkey Coral Reef Center supervisor Kate Hudec had to say:
I would like to nominate my Yawkey gallery volunteer, Lisa Martinek. She has been a Saturday volunteer since April and, in all that time, has taken only two Saturdays off. Not only is she the most reliable volunteer I have ever had, but she epitomizes everything anyone could want in an aquarist volunteer. She is extremely careful, observant, hardworking, and detail oriented.  Her judgement is so sound that she is able to cover the Yawkey Gallery with very little supervision on the Saturdays I am not here and, in doing so, has made a real contribution to the Galleries team. I strongly encourage you to give her the recognition she deserves.
Please join us in congratulating Lisa!

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