Friday, April 24, 2015

Cutest penguin chick you'll see all day

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This Saturday, April 25,  is World Penguin Day. One creature grateful for the recognition is a little blue penguin chick at Boston’s New England Aquarium that is just three and a half weeks old.

Happy World Penguin Day!

The still yet-to-be named chick hatched out March 30 weighing  28 grams, slightly below normal. At its last check-up earlier this week, the chick weighed in at over 600 grams or more than 20 times heavier than its birth weight less than a month ago! Little blue penguins are found in Australia and New Zealand and are the smallest penguins in the world.

This fluffy chick will remain behind-the-scenes in the care of its parents and biologists for a couple of more months and will then join the nearly 90 penguins of three different species on exhibit in the Aquarium’s large penguin colony.

Need to see more penguin chicks? Check out these posts on the Penguin Blog:

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