Sunday, August 31, 2014

Volunteer of the Month: August

Every month our Volunteer office sorts through piles of nominations from supervisors (and sometimes entire departments!) and honors one of our volunteers for their truly stupendous efforts. Meet our latest Volunteer of the Month.

This month, we are excited to award Giant Ocean Tank volunteer, Luigi DiSisto!

In just less than three years, August’s Volunteer of the Month has served nearly 1,500 hours with the Giant Ocean Tank team. He constantly takes on new responsibilities, both glamorous ones (volunteering for one of the members-only ‘Dive In’ events!) and less glamorous ones (cleaning sand for the renovated GOT…see the picture below J).

Luigi capably handling one of the less glamorous jobs —
cleaning gravel destined for the bottom of the Giant Ocean Tank. 

Luigi is a Bruins player showing off his Stanley Cup with Maggie the sailor. 

Here’s what his supervisor, Sean Marden, had to say…
Luigi has been a consistent powerhouse for the GOT team for many years. He has helped us collect fish, come in early for shark transports and put in countless hours of scrubbing all without complaint. He has helped with the training of numerous volunteers, interns and coops and has done an exemplary job when asked to take on new responsibilities with water quality and the Diver Communication system. Luigi is a prime example of a volunteer who goes the extra mile to help make our exhibit and team the best that it can be. The entire Sunday crew really appreciates everything that Luigi brings to the team and we believe that he should be the volunteer of the month!

We can’t thank you enough for the many areas of support you provided since you started volunteering at NEAq, Luigi!

You'll find Luigi all over the New England Aquarium's Divers Blog. In addition to volunteering to dive in costume, this Bruins fan has participated in the popular collecting expeditions to the Bahamas and has written blogs about his experience. 

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