Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Aquarium's Animal Encounters featured in Globe Travel section

Brittany Miller treated her boyfriend, Steve Spano (left), to a Take a Dip with a fur seal program, one of the Aquarium's Animal Encounters. Marine mammal trainer Paul Bradley (right) guided the couple through the program.
Photo: Wendy Maeda/The Boston Globe

Here at the Aquarium we know that one of the most fun things you can do during your visit is to have an Animal Encounter. And The Boston Globe knows it, too. The Sunday Globe's Travel section just did a piece that captures some of the wonder and excitement visitors feel when they get a kiss from a fur seal during a Take a Dip program in the Marine Mammal Center or stand out on the platform at the top of the Giant Ocean Tank to feed some of the inhabitants in the Meet Myrtle program.

Here's an excerpt from the Globe's story.

"Brittany Miller stood waist-deep in a pristine pool at the New England Aquarium in May, her face scrunched together in glee as a fur seal leapt up, greeting her cheek with its nose. A smile spread over her face as she opened her eyes, looking down at the seal’s puppy-like expression."

Read the full story here.

NOTE: This program is currently unavailable with the fur seals. Please contact Central Reservations at 617-973-5206 for more information about booking a Take a Dip program with the harbor seals later this summer.

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