Monday, November 11, 2013

A Round-Up of Recent Visitor Pictures

We love it when visitors share their pictures with us through our social media outlets—Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Google+. Some of them are too good to keep to ourselves! Here are some of those wonderful moments shared by visitors at the New England Aquarium. Enjoy!

Submitted to Facebook by Laura Veligor: First trip to the Aquarium!
From Facebook: Sleepy sea lion

From Tumblr by Kelly!Hamilton: Australian blue spotted jellies

From Tumblr: One of the loggerhead sea turtles

From Instagram user Mlast11: Beauties from the Pacific reef community

From Twitter user @MLastAce: Flowerhat jellies

From Twitter user @JacobLevenson: The new top of the Giant Ocean Tank

Thanks to all those who shared their wonderful pictures with us on the networks. Have some pictures you want to share? Connect with us online on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Google+! We can't wait to see your perspective of the New England Aquarium.

Planning a visit? Buy your tickets online and charge up those cameras!

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