Friday, August 16, 2013

A Cool New Addition to the Plaza

Visitors may have noticed an artsy new addition to the Aquarium's plaza recently—a massive globe, featuring the oceans, continents and many animals that call this blue planet home. The piece is part of a public art installation around the City of Boston called Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler  Planet that is raising awareness about climate change.

Look for the Aquarium's Cool Globe on the front plaza
It is part of a traveling exhibit that began in Chicago in 2007 and has appeared throughout North America and Europe. The creative minds behind this project say their hope is that the millions of people who see and enjoy the globes leave with a vast array of solutions to climate change, and with one clear message: we can solve this.

At the Aquarium, we're often talking about climate change. That's because the oceans are a leading indicator of climate change. They are affected by climate change, and they in turn affect the climate. As an ocean steward, the Aquarium supports important research on climate change and supports using the oceans as a source of information.

From buying fuel-efficient vehicles and choosing energy-saving appliances to exploring the aquatic world and choosing ocean-friendly seafood, there are lots of things that individuals can do to make a difference or, as we like to say, live blue.

A close-up of the beautiful images found on the Cool Globe

The Cool Globe won't be here forever, so come enjoy this lovely art piece and consider the message behind it: Climate change is real and it's happening now, but there are ways you can make a difference!

Fun facts about our Cool Globe:
  • It is about five feet in diameter.
  • With its stand, the globe is 84 inches high.
  • It weighs approximately 300 pounds, that's without the concrete base!
  • The continents are about 3/4 inches high, with some relief around the coasts and along
  • major rivers/mountain ranges.
  • The globe is made of fiberglass that is 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch thick.
  • According to the Boston Globe, there are 48 globes throughout the city, 26 at the Common alone.

Easy ways you can live blue™ for a healthy planet:
  • Choose ocean-friendly seafood.
  • Buy local and organic produce, coffee and other household products, or try growing some of your own produce.
  • Drive a fuel-efficient, low-polluting car.
  • Choose to walk, bike or take public transportation whenever practical.
  • Install energy-saving thermostats in your home.
  • Install energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances.
  • Eliminate lawn pesticides and choose native plants for your garden.
  • Stay well informed and vote with the environment in mind.
  • Use your consumer power—learn about the environmental practices of companies you buy from.
  • Inspire your friends and family to also take action.

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