Friday, April 6, 2012

How long have you known Myrtle?

It's hard to ignore the queen of the Giant Ocean Tank. Myrtle, the 560-pound green sea turtle, naps and swims where she wants and when she wants. She's also greeted millions of visitors in her years ruling the roost in the GOT. She's been with us since 1970!

So were you one of those visitors?

One of our favorite old photos posted to facebook of visitors with Myrtle in 1973 

We have seen some fantastic pictures and video of visitors with Myrtle over the years. We want to see your pictures, too! Head over to her facebook page (did you know she had her own facebook page?) and upload your favorite pictures of you and the old gal. Old, new, kids, adults: We want to seem them all! Here's some of our favorites so far...

Myrtle Photo Submissions 
Here's some photos Myrtle fans have posted on the Aquarium's facebook page and Myrtle's facebook page. Add your own! 

"Hello - my new friend from the Boston Aquarium" - Posted by Peter Hooley

 "My favorite picture of Myrtle!" - Posted by Gabrielle Kalet

"Love this picture, looks like she's waving at me. I've known all 24 years of my life. I call her 'Big Mama' though because I used to think she was the mother of all sea turtles when I was a kid." - Posted by Jamie Ann Graham

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