Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Aquarium travelers talk penguins

After their memorable and meaningful journeys to South Africa, Aquarium staffers Paul Leonard and Jo Blasi are stepping up to the microphone here in Boston. They will share their experiences during a free talk at the Aquarium tomorrow, Thursday, March 15, as part of the Aquarium Lecture Series.

The talk is open to the public, though we encourage attendees to register


Paul (above left) and Jo (above right) traveled to South Africa this past Fall to learn more about the work being done to save African penguins in their natural habitat. At the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB), they helped rehabilitate many penguins, including young chicks that had been orphaned or abandoned by their parents (more on the Penguin Blog here and the Explorers Blog here). See some of their amazing pictures, hear personal stories about these feisty birds and learn what is being done to save this endangered species.


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