Friday, February 3, 2012

Aquarium Renovation is Front Page News!

The front page of this morning's Boston Globe featured a terrific article about the renovations we are planning for this fall here at the New England Aquarium. The article explains that the $15 million renovation will touch all corners of the building, from a new ground-floor exhibit to new lighting to an ambitious refurbishing of the beloved Giant Ocean Tank. Construction on this transformative project does not begin until September. Even then, all construction will happen at night so the Aquarium will remain open to members and visitors until all the animals return to the 200,000-gallon tank in June of 2013.

Read part of the Globe's piece on The story also appeared on local television and radio stations.

This project will be the culmination of a $42 million Mission Blue campaign initiated in 2007 to create a new Aquarium experience. Learn more about the scope and features of this comprehensive renovation on the New Aquarium Experience pages on our website.

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