Monday, February 7, 2011

Live Webcast Aquarium Lecture: Fernando Manzano - Papa Tortuga: One Man's Crusade to Save the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle

Welcome to the live webcast of tonight's free Aquarium Lecture!

Papa Tortuga: One Man’s Crusade to Save the Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle
Fernando Manzano, Founder, Tecolutla Turtle Preservation Project
(For background on this lecturer, check out this video.)

The lecture is over, but please bookmark this post and comeback later. A video of the lecture will be embedded in place of the webcast. Be sure to connect with the Aquarium on facebook and twitter for notification when the video is up and when the next lecture is taking place.

If you like this Aquarium lecture, please come to the next one. Here's the Spring lecture schedule. You can also visit the Aquarium's rescue blog to find out more about how the Aquarium's Marine Animal Rescue Team is helping rescue endangered sea turtles.

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