Friday, January 21, 2011

Through our visitors' eyes

A day at the Aquarium is rarely complete without snapping a couple pictures. Some visitors even take the time to share those pictures with the Aquarium community online—what a treat! Whether it's through twitter, facebook or tumblr, we love to see how visitors of all ages interact with our animals or get lost gazing at one of the exhibits.

Here's a little feast for your eyes, a sampling of what Aquarium visitors are sharing online!

Michelle Jones Brown with Myrtle at the Giant Ocean Tank circa 1973!
via facebook (My, how they grow up... even Myrtle has her own facebook page now!)

@rlaperlemusic calls this picture "Swimming Solo." 
Instagram via twitter

This image of a ray was titled "I love the New England Aquarium" by @BeccaMansfield.
twipic via twitter

Julie Scillieri Blake posted these happy faces after a recent Dive In! event for members.
via facebook

Douglas Blois shared this picture of some inquisitive fingers at the Edge of the Sea exhibit.
via facebook

We can all see the octopus in action thanks to James Fiorentino.
via facebook

Keith Michael Temple and family definitely enjoyed the First Night ice penguins.
via facebook

Do you have anything to share? We'd love to see it! Find us on facebook and tag away, or send a link to @NEAQ on twitter!

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