Wednesday, July 14, 2010

U23D returns to the biggest screen in New England with a Bono look-alike contest!

The New England Aquarium is bringing back one of the most popular concert films ever to the biggest screen in New England! This week we had a Bono look-alike photo contest to give out free tickets to the return of the band.

Congratulations to our winners!

(Photo Left: from Pavl Sfera and Right: from Angela)

And thanks to these Bono look-alikes for helping out!

(Photo Left: Pete Smith, Center: Lamplight Media, Right: Joy)

(Photo Left: Teri, Center: Mike, Right: Brandon Milner)

(Photo Left: Jessica, Center: Myrtle, Right: Noir)

The contest may be over but the show goes on!
Grab your online tickets now to see U23D at the New England Aquarium today.

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