Thursday, June 3, 2010

Weymouth Herring Run - A Job Well Done!

As many as 200,000 herring a year make the journey from the ocean to Whitman's Pond in Weymouth, Mass. to spawn. This important conduit often goes unnoticed and can become cluttered with trash and debris. But the Live Blue Ambassadors took a stand, got wet and cleared the way for this year's herring run. Read about their day on the run on this previous post.

Good news, too. Their efforts paid off! Take a look. You can see the herring swimming against the current to climb the fish ladder. Some of them even jump out of the water!

For more information on the Live Blue Ambassador service program for teens, contact Heather Deschenes at or call 617-973-0253. Find out how another herring-savior with ties to the Aquarium helped rescue herring from a flood pipe.

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